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Organic Skin Care Summertime Routine

Every year, we eagerly anticipate the start of summer and all the activities it brings. The thing is unless we take care of our skin and maintain an organic skin care routine, summertime can exact an enormous toll. Finding the right mix of products and sunscreen to keep our skin safe is paramount.

What Happens Without Proper Organic Skin Care in the Sun

Early Aging

Without proper protection, our skin can show signs of early aging, such as fine lines, loss of elasticity, and dry skin. The first sign is usually our complexion losing its healthy glow.

Dark Spots

Too much sun damage can also cause our skin to develop dark spots, which are also called sunspots and liver spots. The skin which receives the most sun is at the highest risk of developing those spots.


Hyperpigmentation happens when patches of skin become darker due to excesses in melanin. The melanin forms deposits, which lead to an uneven skin tone that is difficult to correct.


The cause of moles is not well understood, but they typically appear after sun exposure. Current research suggests that moles occur as a combination of sun exposure and genetic factors.

Skin Cancer

DNA damage causes forms of skin cancer. If we don’t protect ourselves during summertime when we’re most often outside, we’re allowing DNA damaging UV rays to interact with our skin, which increases our chances of developing this cancer.

Heat Stroke and Exhaustion

Using sunscreen in combination with other choices can help prevent raised internal temperatures. This choice lessens the chances of heat injuries, such as exhaustion and stroke.


Telangiectasias is the technical term for widening small blood vessels under the skin, many of which break. This condition is also known as spider veins.

Painful Burns

Many people experience painful sunburns if they forget their sun protection. While the burns themselves are painful, they also indicate severe damage that our skin needs to heal.


Inflammation is typically part of the healing process, though we may not notice it. Our skin must go through this process after harmful UV ray exposure every time.


Scarring can occur whenever a fresh wound or scar is exposed to sunlight, sometimes even when we apply sunscreen. People with photosensitive conditions like Lupus may also scar more easily.


Organic Ingredients to Look for in Sunscreen

Zinc Oxide

Zinc oxide is a mineral that absorbs, scatters, and reflects both UVA and UVB rays. This mineral sits on top of the skin rather than absorbing and is relatively stable compared to many traditional sunscreen formulations. Zinc oxide is a reef-safe ingredient.

Titanium Dioxide

Titanium dioxide is also a mineral, though it reflects the harmful UV rays rather than absorbing them. It is often used in combination with zinc oxide in sunscreens. Titanium dioxide is a reef-safe sunscreen ingredient but may be carcinogenic if inhaled.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a versatile ingredient for our skin. This plant holds many enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins such as A and C, along with anti-inflammatory compounds. It’s a great addition to a summertime organic skin care routine since it soothes skin from reacting to compounds in sunblock and helps heal skin after sun exposure.


Beeswax is also a great ingredient to look for in summertime skincare products. Beeswax supplies anti-inflammatory compounds and vitamin A. It also offers a lightweight barrier between the skin and anything on top of the beeswax.


Oat is an incredibly useful ingredient in many skincare products. For our summertime organic skin care routine, though, we’re interested in their soothing properties. Using oat can help sensitive skin tolerate sunscreen better than it otherwise would.

Organic Skin Care Summertime Routine

Summer is a good time to lighten up our skin care routine. Summer often means soaring temperatures, which in turn means sweat. However, it’s crucial to recognize still where the skin starts, whether that’s super dry, incredibly oily, or somewhere in between when choosing products.

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The goal of a morning cleanser is removing any buildup overnight without being overzealous. For a summertime routine, consider going straight for warm water rather than reaching for a bottle. If skin needs a little more cleansing than water supplies, keep products gentle.


Everyone’s skin needs different products; however, vitamin C so our skin can repair itself is always an excellent choice. For summer, consider swapping this part of an organic skin care routine to a more lightweight and non-greasy formulation.


Summer is a good time for the lightest organic moisturizer that works with our skin. A light and breathable moisturizer helps our skin under the added barrier of the sunscreen and not end up clogged.

Apply SPF

Finding an organic sunscreen to add to our skin care routine can involve a little trial. We need at least SPF 30, though SPF 60 is necessary for prolonged outdoor time. We also need something easy to reapply, since sunscreen loses effectiveness in a few hours.



The evening cleanse removes accumulation from the day before we apply our nighttime treatments. Cleansers come in gels, creams, and waters, so we may need to find a new one that can handle summertime buildup while still being gentle on our skin.


Summertime skin care may require a change in our exfoliation routine since sun-damaged skin cells need removal. However, it’s essential to watch our skin and cut back on exfoliation if our skin gets too oily.

Add Serum

Serum supplies a concentrated punch of nutrients that skin can use to heal during sleep. Compounds like retinol or vitamins like C help skin handle sun damage and prevent early aging signs. There are also specifically formulated serums, depending on the skin concern.


Moisturizing is a vital part of an organic skin care routine for summertime since it helps the skin recover. Nighttime moisturizers also form a barrier, which keeps any products underneath against our skin and helps with absorbency.

Wrap Up

We look forward to the season of summer every year. However, we must consider how best to protect our skin and alter our organic skin care routine to account for the changes summer brings. This routine, in turn, helps us keep looking good all summer long. offers a broad collection of products to aid those looking for an organic take on skin care. loves hearing from our customers, so let us know about your favorite skincare products below!

Camila Castro
Camila Castro
Articles: 5